Thanksgiving Break Recap

I’m about to go to bed now so I’m just going to make it quick. I might write something better later.
Thanksgiving this year has been more interesting than most years. About one week before the break, my dad got into a concussion and started yell at people for no reason. I thought that it would totally blow my break off but luckily, I tried not to think about him much. It worked out. On Tuesday, right after school, I went to my friend’s house and we went to Quicklys for drinks. Then we walked home and hung out. We were on Fcaebook most of the time and watched Ratatouille (part of it). I thought that er would be doing something interesting but, we did not. It was okay, at least we got to hangout. After that I walked to the open parking lot where my mother picked me up. Wednesday, my friend and I were suppose to go to the mall but she had to clean the house for Thanksgiving (and she was lazy and couldn’t get out of bed). I cleaned my room half that day (accomplishment!) then played tennis with Amy. Very good day! I liked that fact that I got my room clean and got to play tennis. After tennis, it wasn’t dark yet so we walked to Vicky’s house. I really like her living room. Oh, before going to play tennis, we stopped by Vicky’s but she wasn’t there, Only got to see her cousin. On Thursday was Thanksgiving. I cleaned my room some more which went well. Threw away two big bags! Then Thanksgiving dinner. Ate Chicken instead of turkey. Turkey was too plain for me. Friday was Black Friday. I didn’t go way in the morning like most of my friends but I did go at 11:00AM. It was packed! I always got my foot crushed. That day, I was proud because I finally got a tennis racket and a coffee mug. My mom really wanted a coffee mug but instead I got one too and I seemed to be more excited than her. List of places that day Great Mall, Walmart, and Michaels. Saturday, I went to Sport Authorities on El Camino, Sprouts, Target, Michaels and New Wing Yuan Market. Yeah it was fun, and a long day. Today, Sunday was just a homework day. Got more civics done, English Extra Credit and poem annotations. Tomorrow, I hope to get the IRJ done, math homework, Civics homework done and write up the theme for the poem term paper. Wow, lots to do. Better get some sleep for early day tomorrow! Bye!